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Design Josh Hansen’s new graphics and win a signed Jersey!

This is how you can enter:

Design Josh’s graphics

Create your design with our configurator.
The logos have to stay in the positions they are in but you can change the colors.

Save your Design

Save your design in the configurator. Simply click on the save button and save your design in your customer account. If you don’t already have an account, you can simply create one while saving.

Take a screenshot

After you have saved your graphics, you would have to take a screenshot of your bike. To upload you only need to screenshot the 90 degree side view.

Post your design on Instagram

Once you’re done, post the screenshot on your Instagram profile and hashtag @joshhansen100 & @backyarddesign in your post.
Josh will then pick a winner and run the graphics you designed.

Here are a couple graphics we received so far: